Sunday, June 22, 2008

Super Secret Nutshot!

So as you may have heard if you have watched the news in the last 5 years that gas prices are insanely high. I'm glad the media brings this horrible truth to our attention every time we turn on our televisions. But what about solutions? Since the media and government won't hold our hands and give us the answer, I propose some possible solutions to your gas woes.

Solution 1:
Convert your car to run on bio-diesel or whatever.
You just like, put corn and stuff directly into your gas tank, simple!

Solution 2: Don't drive, fly! Fly remote control that is! These little things don't require any gas, just a simple charge from your standard wall socket and you're good to go! You'll be saving gas money in no time!

ion 3: Oregon trail time! Hitch up the horses and chuck the wagon float! The Amish got something right...

nevermind I'm out of ideas. Just walk dammit.

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