Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Best Movies Ever" Series

Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to read the first edition of the "Best Movies Ever" series! This time we'll showcase one of the classics: Back to the Future (1985), the first one. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis, the same guy who later directed Jumanji, so yea this guy is good. This movie was awesome because it had major themes that most everyone can relate to: loss, love, and time travel. Aside from the fact that the main character who is 18 is best friends with a creepy old man, this is pretty rad. I love how cheesy the time travel animations are when compared to today's computer graphics. It adds to the whole "80s " feel of the movie. Also, having your mom kiss you on her prom night is also pretty rad. Not really. But seriously, watch this movie, rent it, steal it, I don't care just watch it.
*fun fact= the movie was filmed in many exotic Californian locations, including the 1950s!


1 comment:

Maxboourns said...

I feel like I shouldn't really be commenting this since I don't watch movies hahah.