Saturday, July 26, 2008

Politics gone too far?

Ok so this election year, many of the candidates have taken a different approach to target a younger voting audience. Appearing on Youtube and creating Myspace and Facebook pages is the "next" step for the future presidential hopeful. However, is there a point where trying to reach a younger, and subsequently more idiotic audience becomes ridiculous? Like what if the canidates made video games? (That would be awesome and will vote for the first one who does!) I mean, if you have to go on MTV and beg kids to vote, why even bother, they must be dumb as hell to not think about politics otherwise; too close minded and selfish my generation is. Words of Yoda apparently...
Anyway I think that stooping down for the ignorant masses is such a waste of time. And don't even get me started on the insane amounts of money a single presidential campaign costs, millions and millions of dollars... Couldn't that money be used to fund underprivileged schools or help people rebuild their lives or fix up the mall in Washington DC! I've seen pics of it, and not only is it in a horribly degraded state, it doesn't even have a JC Pennies! What kind of mall is that?! Sorry no more tangents. The worst part is only one candidate gets elected anyway; either Obama or McCain will have spent millions for nothing. Millions of dollars, more than what 99% of people will ever make in a lifetime, or several lifetimes for that matter, all for nothing. You know when your a kid and they say if you really wanted to, you could become president if you follow your dreams or somthing stupid like that. (Think back before life punched you in the face.) They should change that little spiel to something like this: "If you follow your dreams and you're RICH and damn lucky and your parents don't beat you, you can do whatever you want and maybe become president one day!" What a damn hypocrisy we live in. I guess in a way its good though, keeps all us poor bastards out of office. I honestly have no idea how I got into writing this post. Haha oh well.


::beccaELECTROCUTE said...

this looks like a great game.
politics are so lame though, srsly.
and the police were amazing!
i still can't believe that i actually saw them in concert.
i bought a really cool shirt too.
and they did message in a bottle of course! MY FAVE!
hmm.. the happening..
i don't think i've seen that.
i'm not really into horror movies at all.
they scare the crap out of me honestly.
oh i stone patio thing!
my parents just re did our patio.
but i didn't help at all.
i'm pretty lazy.
but thanks for the comment!
and keep reading my blog!

<3 becca.

Smara said...

Thanks for the comment! And the advice. haha I think I'm gunna take it

Niesha Miller said...

Hahaha, in about 8 more years a game will be out or better yet, Each candidate will beam into our living rooms to shake our hands and hand out pins telling us to vote.

The Cool Commentator said...


Hope you are well, I am kind of back after a bit of a break!! I am going to try and take some time later to read over the new posts on your blog!!

Chapter Three - Part 2 is up on the blog now so if you have a minute, go and have a read! Would be great to know what you think!!

Look forward to hearing from you soon!